
Showing posts from June, 2013

How to not be a dick to someone with a disability

Several of these have gone viral, but I’ve decided to do my own. I deal with the world’s idiots and assholes on a daily basis- here are some tips to avoid acting like a jerk around someone with a disability. Don’t assume you know anything about my life, or my disability.   Don’t judge my quality of life by saying things like “in a wheelchair”, “confined to a wheelchair”, “crippled”, “invalid,” etc. Use non-pitying, person emphasizing words like “uses a wheelchair”, “assistive technology user”, and “person with a disability.” Don’t assume walking is inherently better than not walking.  For me, using a scooter is practical for two reasons: 1) if I walk too far, I start to hurt, and 2) excessive walking is high impact and wears out my hips.  Therefore, for me, scooting > walking.  If you see me walking, don’t say things like “Wow, look at you!” or “You must feel good today!” Again, if you just met me, you know nothing about me, so please don’t assume that you...